How To Repair Tent Mesh Like A Pro: Pace By Step Guide

Going on a camping vacation is ordinarily a thrilling experience. If, on the other mitt, you discover that your tent mesh has been damaged, yous may chop-chop lose your enthusiasm. Your tent is supposed to be your happy oasis, but a damaged tent mesh isn't going to make that happen. A ripped tent allows insects to quickly get admission to the interior of your tent. The concluding thing you want to hear or see in your tent is a mosquito buzzing around your head or a creature crawling upwards your leg. Fortunately, it is possible to repair ripped mesh textile on your own.

This article includes a step-past-step tutorial on how to repair your tent and restore information technology to its original country.

Items Yous Volition Need for a Tent Repair

In this function, we volition provide a list of the supplies that you should keep on hand in example yous need to repair your tent. We have separated them into two halves, one for a straight rip and the other for a pigsty in the cloth.

If your tent has a straight tear, become the following items:

  • A sewing machine, for case. A strand of yarn
  • Mesh netting is held together using tape or adhesive patches.
  1. If you are unable to obtain a sewing automobile, a tent repair agglutinative will serve as an acceptable substitute. The fact that it creates a flexible and watertight seal volition be quite advantageous
  2. The following items are required: scissors, a cotton wool ball, an booze swab or rubbing booze.

If your tent has a hole, get the following items:

  • Either an adhesive patch or a cloth patch should be included in the bundle. It should as well include mucilage or record
  • If yous don't take access to a sewing kit, you may make due with a sewing machine if you don't take one. Despite the fact that it takes more than time, this approach produces better results than a mesh patch kit.
  • The post-obit items are required: scissors, a cotton wool ball, an booze swab or rubbing alcohol.

Mesh Tent Repair: A Pace past Step Guide

No affair if your tent has suffered a small direct rip or a huge tear, you may repair the impairment on your own. You may set the harm past stitching it back together or putting repair adhesive to it. Any of the two procedures will produce the desired effects equally long as they are carried out correctly and consistently.

Footstep 1: Become the tent mesh ready

Earlier beginning the repair, you should make certain that thetent is gratuitous of debris. Remove whatsoever and all sorts of dirt from the area that has to be fixed in order for the results to last as long as possible. Place the affected area on a level surface to prevent farther harm. Either h2o or a cotton fiber ball soaked in rubbing booze tin be used to clean the damaged section. Allow information technology to dry completely before proceeding with the repair.

Pace ii: Become the Mesh on the Automobile

Begin by learning how to use your sewing machine. Ideally, the thread y'all utilise to thread the sewing needle should be made of the same fabric as the tent mesh. To effectively run up the damaged surface area, yous volition need to agree information technology securely and evenly during the process. Additionally, the margins should exist placed in such a way that they overlap one another. This will ensure that the tear remains closed at all times. After that, the ripped edges may be stitched together. It is recommended that you lot use a zig-zag stitch pattern on the sewing machine y'all are using.

  • After that, the agglutinative tape should exist placed on the surface.
  • As a result, you lot may residue guaranteed that the expanse will not be demolished over again.
  • When cutting them into round forms, it is preferable to avoid fraying at the corners, which tin can occur with rectangular pieces over fourth dimension.
  • Once you have finished inspecting, skin back the sticky covering from 1 of the pieces and place information technology over the sewed department.
  • Go along doing this for a time to ensure that they are firmly connected.

All ripples should be smoothed out. Turn the tent around to the other side and repeat the method you used to repair the damaged expanse on the other side. After that, the patch should be left to cure. Go out it lonely for up to 24 hours to reach the optimum results.

Step 2: Tent Repair Glue (Alternative)

If you are unable to have admission to a sewing machine, this is a viable pick. The advantages of this procedure include the fact that information technology takes fewer tools and produces products that are waterproof. As previously said, you should thoroughly make clean the surface with either water or alcohol before proceeding. Lay downwards the ripped area on a level surface, and y'all may also want to put on gloves to protect your hands from contact with the glue. Place the ripped parts on top of each other in a compatible layer, making sure there are no gaps.

To learn how to use the adhesive, y'all can refer to the video beneath.

Once the glue has dried, you may as well apply it to the other side of the material if you so like.

For Mesh with a Pigsty

Place the torn part on a flat surface and printing downward firmly. Clean the affected area with an alcohol swab and let information technology to dry completely. You lot might as well use a cotton wool ball doused in alcohol as a substitute.

Step two: Get the Mesh Patch Kit

Open up the packet and use the mesh repair patch to the area that has been damaged. This will guarantee that the patch overlaps the margins of the pigsty by betwixt a quarter of an inch and an inch on all sides of the repair. Remove the patch's adhesive backing and press it firmly into the hole to seal information technology in identify. Repeat the technique on the other side of the mesh to achieve the best results possible. In some cases, a repair agglutinative may be included with place of a patch in the repair kit. As a upshot, yous should add some adhesive to the fabric repair piece in this situation.

Rub the mended area for a few minutes to confirm that there is appropriate bonding and that at that place are no ripples.

Alternatively, you might scout this video to learn how to use a tent mesh repair kit, if you prefer to learn past watching.

Step 2: Using a Sewing Machine (Culling)

If you tin can't get your hands on a mesh repair kit, don't be concerned; there are alternatives. You may also fix the damage by sewing a patch onto the affected area. Make your patch by cutting a piece of mesh netting material and sewing it on. Have care to ensure that the piece is at least a quarter-inch larger in diameter than the margins of the hole. If you don't, you'll soon discover that the hole has to be repaired once again. Place the textile over the hole, making certain that the ii pieces are aligned.

Both materials volition be able to flow smoothly together equally a outcome of this.

Using the zig-zag stitch pattern, sew the patch on the shirt using a regular sewing machine.

This will aid to keep the cloth from ripping in the virtually future.

To terminate the margins of the patch, you can utilize fabric repair record to seal them. This will help to keep the region secure and prevent fraying from occurring. In addition, because the record is waterproof, you won't accept to be concerned nigh leaks in the future.

How To Fix Other Tent Bug

It is possible for your tent to sustain additional types of harm other than tears and holes. Leaks, damaged poles, broken zippers, a bent tent, and bent tent pegs are some of the problems that might occur. If you lot have any of these difficulties, they may prohibit you from participating in your favorite outdoor activity. So, let'due south accept a look at each of these issues and how nosotros might resolve them individually.

Fixing Tent Leaks

Leaks produced by rips or holes can be fixed by post-obit the steps outlined in this article. Nonetheless, the most mutual location where leaks occur in tents is between two textiles. You will demand to wipe out all of the dirt from your tent'due south seams using a tent cleaner or alcohol before yous can try to fix the leak. Afterwards, you can apply a seam sealant to finish the leak from occurring. The vast majority of tents on the market present are equipped with waterproof membranes. Nevertheless, after a period of time, they tend to shed their protective covering.

As a result, you lot should avoid using detergents in the vicinity of your tent.

Repairing Cleaved Tent Poles

Camping enthusiasts are also frequently confronted with the problem of a damaged or bent tent pole. This form of injury tin can occur as a result of a multifariousness of unlike circumstances. Loftier winds, wear and tear, incorrect setup, and other factors are examples of these. Having extra tent poles on paw is the quickest and most convenient solution to this trouble. This will let you to repair any damaged poles as promptly as possible. In any instance, if you do not accept any spare poles on hand, you do not demand to be concerned.

Duct tape should be wrapped effectually the fractured section of the pole to brand it stronger.

Y'all may accept your time to properly fix the pole once you become abode, but it is preferable if yous simply supersede it instead.

Despite the fact that we pray things never become this atrocious.

Repairing Broken Tent Zippers

The location of the impairment to your tent's zipper volition determine how you fix it. If it is the teeth that have been destroyed, the best form of action will be to supercede the whole nix. This, on the other hand, is something that should be done once the holiday is over. A misalignment of the teeth, on the other hand, is rather simple to correct. All that is required is that you move the slider back and forth a few times. The majority of the time, this resolves the problem.

It is also possible to fix a damaged slider. You lot can follow the instructions in this guide to learn how to repair a broken slider with a pair of pliers. If you accept a slider that has been stuck, you can attempt to free it using WD-40. You should avoid getting it on the flysheet, on the other paw.

Repairing Bent Tent Pegs

Tent pegs are prone to become bent, and this is especially true with low-cost pegs that are used oftentimes. Even the highest-quality pegs will become bent later on a pregnant corporeality of utilize and abuse. A bent peg can exist straightened out past angle information technology dorsum into shape or striking it with a hammer. However, if y'all are unable to repair the damage, you will need to heat the water on a stove. It will be easier to hammer if y'all exercise this. Yous should practise farthermost caution while performing this task. Bringing additional tent pegs on your camping vacation is usually a practiced idea, according to us.

Tent Maintenance

Despite the fact that information technology is beneficial to know how to repair tent mesh, it is far preferable not to take to set your tent. As a consequence, we feel that yous should too learn how to properly maintain your tent. Earlier we get into the meat of the article, hither are some fast and useful pointers:

  • You must e'er adhere to the directions. Take special care with the zippers and poles. Maintain the cleanliness of your tent and fliers by washing them at regular intervals. Keep your tent repair equipment with yous at all times. Always permit your tent to dry out completely earlier storing information technology.

Watching this video may also provide you with some useful ideas on how to take care of your tent:

Caring for Your Tent During Setup

Perform a practice pitch before heading to your campground to ensure that everything goes smoothly. This simply means that you should aim to put upwardly your tent without whatever pressure on your shoulders. In addition, you should make certain that y'all have all of the appropriate equipment with y'all. Guylines, stakes, and other tent accessories are included nether this category. Keep your tent in splendid shape by following these guidelines once y'all accept arrived in the wilderness:

Head to a Ready Campsite

This Leave No Traceguide should help you in locating an appropriate location for your tent. Ideally, the location should exist level and devoid of vegetation. All that would be required of you volition be to clear abroad whatsoever fabric that might cause harm to your tent. We recommend that you refrain from making any more changes to the site.

Apply a Tent Footprint

A footprint is a piece of fabric that is used to embrace the flooring of your tent from clay and other debris. Not only does information technology protect against abrasion and punctures, simply it besides provides a make clean surface for campers to walk on. Furthermore, precipitation volition not gather on a footprint in the same way as it would on a standard ground covering. This is due to the fact that the fabric volition embrace the ground below your tent. However, if you are unable to obtain a footprint, brand certain that your generic basis flooring does not extend beyond the border of your tent.

Don't Betrayal Your Tent Setup to Excessive Sunlight

In order to ensure that your tent lasts for a long time, you must keep information technology as far away from the sun as possible. Ultraviolet rays are known to harm the materials used in your canopy and rainfly when exposed for an extended flow of time. Considering the rainfly is more resistant to sunlight, you lot may use it to protect the tent if information technology has to be out in the lord's day for an extended period of time.

It is important to remember, however, that polyester is the almost effective rainfly fabric. If you will be away from your tent for an extended menstruation of fourth dimension, it is recommended that you pack your tent out of the sunday. This should be done regardless of the blazon of fabric being worked with.

Handle the Poles Gently

It's non a practiced idea to whip your pole around in an attempt to snap its shock-corded pieces into place. Whipping a pole about may cause it to go damaged, and you may even hurt someone in the vicinity. This method is significantly more efficient than unfolding and fitting each pole one at a time.

Caring for Your Tent During Utilize

In that location are several methods for keeping your tent in practiced shape while you are using information technology. Nosotros have included them below for your convenience:

Handle Your Attachment with Care

If your zipper becomes caught at any indicate, you lot should avoid yanking on it. This has the potential to aggravate the issue. An earlier department of this article described how to tackle a zipper problem.

Don't Wear Boots Inside

You should ever continue your boots either outside the tent or in the antechamber of the tent in order to protect the tent floor. Abrasions and punctures tin can be readily caused by grit, stones, and other types of initial materials.

Don't Attract Little Creatures

In the wood, critters are constantly on the lookout for nutrient, and if you lot leave nutrient in your tent, you are essentially inviting them in. If they catch a whiff of your food, they will gladly butcher your tent's canvas in social club to get to it. Your food is all-time kept outside your tent, where it volition be safe. Either in the woods or in the trunk of your automobile, this may be found. Animals, in add-on to smelling food, are too sensitive to bogus aromas. As a result, you should refrain from using any scented appurtenances inside your tent.

Don't Leave Dogs in Your Tent

Your tent was not intended to be used equally a dog kennel. As a result, it should never be left alone with a canis familiaris. When your dog is attempting to find a mode out of your tent, he or she might simply pull it apart.

Caring for Your Tent During Breakdown

When y'all begin to pack upwardly your belongings and prepare to leave your campground, y'all should gently dismantle your tent to prevent causing any damage. Here are a few things yous should consider doing:

Milkshake Shake Milkshake

Remove all rubbish and other sorts of dirt from the area around your tent before packing it up. A freestanding tent will exist less hard to clean since the poles will allow you to shake it without causing any damage.

Don't Pull Shock-Corded Poles

When attempting to detach this sort of pole from your tent, it is preferable to push rather than pull the pole. This is due to the fact that pushing on the elastic cord might cause harm to it.

Start in the Middle

The centre of your tent is the greatest identify to start tearing it downward. The result will exist that no one section of the cable will exist subjected to greater tension than the other. When yous reach the mid-section, you should echo the technique once more.

Let It Dry

When you're in a tent, condensation volition e'er happen no matter how much ventilation you have. It is most common for wet to build on the fly and on the flooring, and if information technology is not removed speedily, it will eventually result in property impairment. Equally a result, it is usually a good idea to dry out your tent earlier hit the route.

By hanging your tent and wing from a tree or boulder, you may practise this task quickly. But you should avoid anything that has the potential to rip or poke a hole in them. Unless you take a choice, y'all should dry your tent as before long equally you lot get at your location if it is necessary to pack it up.

Curlicue It Up

Finally, instead of handling your tent like a sleeping bag, you should take your fourth dimension to fold it up and put it abroad. This will aid to maintain the cloth's and coating's appearance.

Caring for Your Tent at Home

Even afterwards you have returned abode, you must go on to look after your tent. Equally a outcome, you may be assured that information technology volition exist in fine working social club the side by side time you utilize it.

Air Dry Your Tent

Whether you lot take returned from a camping vacation or cleaned your tent, yous should permit it to dry for a reasonable amount of time. You may either prepare it up indoors or in a shady spot outside. However, if in that location isn't enough room, you may simply hang it.


Prior to storing your tent, nil is more than vital than making certain that it is totally complimentary of moisture. Without proper ventilation, the presence of moisture will outcome in mold evolution, foul aromas, and the degradation of waterproofing materials. If you are going to exist keeping your tent for an extended menstruum of time, you should avert using a stuff sack. The cloth should be placed in a setting where information technology may relax and breathe comfortably. As a upshot, nosotros recommend using a pillowcase or other mesh handbag that is the same size.

Notwithstanding, if yous must, shop it in a well sealed plastic container.

Key InsightsTakeaways

Fifty-fifty if you accept a great deal of camping experience, there is e'er something new to learn and discover. This page offers data on how to gear up a tarp or other problems that are frequent in camping tents, also equally suggestions for how to go along them maintained. You should go along in mind that if you want to get your tent mesh fixed, you will need a lot of patience and persistence. We hope that we have provided enough relevant information to help you lot extend the life of your tent.

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, it is possible to set up it. If it becomes damaged during your journey, duct tape may exist used to repair a tear or a hole quickly and simply.

Is it proficient to wash a tent?

In the outcome that you continue a number of vacations, it is OK to lightly wash your tent every at present and again. However, it should never be washed in a washing car.

How long should a tent last?

If you use your tent regularly for upward to 5 years and keep information technology in good condition, information technology should final you for many years to come. It may possibly linger for a longer period of fourth dimension depending on the surrounding environment.

How tin can I quickly dry out my tent?

Shaking your tent vigorously will allow all of the extra moisture to be expelled, allowing your tent to dry in record fourth dimension.

How to Repair a Tent

There have been 77 reviews, with an average rating of three.8 stars out of 5. Even the most durable tent tin be subjected to the occasional kink, rip, or leak. Yours, on the other hand, can requite many more than seasons of backcountry joy with a few easy adjustments. In addition, you do not need to be a DIY skilful to complete these fixes. The following are three common tent repairs that will be covered in this article:

  • Making repairs to tiny tears in the tent's material
  • Seam sealing on the rainfly and tent body to prevent leakage
  • Putting a tent pole dorsum together after information technology has been cleaved or twisted

It's also worth noting that proper tent maintenance is essential for maximizing tent lifetime.

For farther data, please encounter ourTent Carearticle.

Patching Rips in Your Tent

Sharp rocks, stones, and stray tree branches can crusade rips in the material of your tent's walls and floor. With a patch kit in your camping or hiking bag, you may apace and easily prepare a rip in a tent wall, netting, or rainfly while you're out in the wilderness. Alternatively, yous may look and do information technology at habitation.

Video: How to Patch a Tent

Hither's everything you'll need to get started:

  • A rag, scissors, and rubbing alcohol are all yous'll need. Tenacious Tape or other like repair tape
  • If you're mending a mesh door or window, y'all'll need a mesh patch kit.

How to repair a rip in your tent is equally follows:

  1. Start by cleaning the area surrounding the rip on the tent'south outside with rubbing alcohol and a rag
  2. And then motion on to the interior of the tent. Measure and cut a piece of mending tape large plenty to encompass the pigsty and at least one inch of textile around information technology. The patch will stay longer if the corners of the record are rounded somewhat. Place the tent fabric on a flat surface and pare abroad the backing from the tape patch to reveal the tent cloth. In guild to secure the patch, press it into place. The interior of the tent should as well be patched if the tear is in a loftier-tension region, such equally nigh a pole
  3. Otherwise, the tent should be replaced. Prior to putting the tent away, let the patch to cure for one day

If you have a rip in a mesh door or window, employ these steps to repair it:

  1. Identify the torn part on a flat surface and press firmly. Place the mesh patch that came with the patch kit over the hole and secure it with tape. The backing of the ring of repair record that included with the patch kit should exist removed. Line up the tape with the patch and press it firmly into position
  2. Prior to putting the tent abroad, let the patch to cure for 1 day

Professional Repairs

If y'all accept a lengthy rip or a puncture forth a seam, sending the tent in for adept repair is your best pick. In order to repair fabric and outerwear, REI has collaborated with">Rainy Pass Repair, the nation's biggest outdoor gear repair business, to provide a one-stop shop. Larn more than nigh the services provided past practiced repair services. Gear Repair Products may exist institute in our online store.

Sealing Leaks in Your Tent

Most tents are marketed with seam tape to proceed the seams together, however it is much easier to repair a tent using a liquid seam sealer. Seams are peculiarly fragile, so when you're between excursions, check your tent seams for signs of damage or indicators that water is coming in through the openings. Here's everything you'll need to get started:

  • Tent cleaning supplies include: a textile, rubbing alcohol, and seam sealant (brand sure to obtain the proper type for your tent). Cloth that has been silicone treated requires a different sealer than fabric that has been polyurethane coated.

The following are the steps to seal seams:

  1. Set up your tent in a dry out, sunny location or a well-lit room so that you can readily inspect all of the seams and gussets. Sew together the underside of the fly and the inside of the tent body together to create a watertight seal. It is beneficial to put the wing on within out and then that you can get to the seams more easily. Remove whatever peeling parts of seam tape from the underneath of the wing, only leave the sections that are all the same in place if you locate whatsoever loose seam record on the underside of the wing. Prepare the seams by carefully cleaning them with a fabric and rubbing booze before sewing them together. And so, using the new seam sealant, seal the seams. If 1 seam is beginning to break, it's possible that the rest may follow suit soon after, therefore it's a adept idea to apply seam sealer to all of them. Let the seam sealer to dry out completely earlier using it.

To find more virtually seam sealing, every bit well equally how to renew a flaking urethane coating and how to apply new DWR coating to a tent, see ourHow to Waterproof a Tentarticle now. Treatments and washes for shop equipment

Splinting a Broken Tent Pole

The damage can exist caused by annihilation as uncomplicated as walking on your tent pole to something every bit complex as an unforeseen wind blow. A bent, split, or shattered tent pole requires prompt care when out in the field. When you get domicile, you tin investigate if the pole should be replaced or permanently stock-still. Using a pole repair sleeve in the following situations: A pole repair sleeve is the quickest and most convenient method of repairing a damaged pole. This little tube, which is also known as a splint, is frequently included with your tent.

To ensure that your pole repair sleeve does not motility most too much, it should be just slightly bigger in bore than the diameter of your pole.

Here's how:

  1. Stack the broken pole components in a directly line
  2. It is possible to straighten out the curvature in the pole if it is bent but not completely cleaved. Adjusting the sleeve over the pole end until it'southward perfectly centered over the interruption or kink can necessitate the use of pliers or a rock to bend spread sections so that the sleeve can glide over them
  3. Wrap two or 3 times around each stop of the sleeve/pole with duct tape or whatever heavy-duty record y'all happen to have on hand
  4. It may be necessary to splint the portions of a broken pole together where one pole cease fits into the next pole finish
  5. However, this will foreclose the poles from folding neatly when you pull the tent down.

A tent pale can be used as a splint in the post-obit situations: If you lot've misplaced or forgotten your pole repair sleeve, yous may make a rudimentary splint out of a tent pale as follows:

  1. Stack the broken pole components in a straight line
  2. The bend should exist straightened out if the pole is aptitude but not completely cleaved. Align the stake such that information technology is centered shut to the breach in the ground
  3. Wrap duct record effectually each end of the stake/pole many times, or apply whatsoever heavy-duty tape you have on hand.

Our article, How to Ready a Tent Pole, contains further information on tent-pole repair, including instructions on how to supervene upon shockcord.

Professional Tent-Pole Repairs

If you have any doubts about your abilities to repair a tent pole, REI shops can practice basic repairs. REI Repair Services is a division of REI. Alternatively, TentPole Technologies, the nation's best pole repair service, is a fantastic alternative.

Related Manufactures

  • Tent Care Fundamentals
  • Backpacking Repair Kit Checklist
  • Tent Setup Instructions
  • Tent Care Nuts

Contributing Experts

Jon Almquist works as a product director for tents at the REI Co-op headquarters in Kent, Washington.

Laura Evenson

Currently, Laura Evenson works as a sales atomic number 82 in the camp and climb departments at the REI Conshohocken location in Pennsylvania.

Laura's 2022 Appalachian Trail thru-hike included 27 consecutive days of rain, demonstrating her tenacity as an charlatan.

Chris Pottinger

Chris Pottinger works at REI Co-op in Kent, Washington, as a senior tent designer.

Lindsey Stone

Currently based in Seattle, Lindsey Stone works as the operations director for Rainy Pass Repair Inc. Prior to that, she worked equally a professional sewing technician for a total of 12 years. Her family, which includes her husband, child, and dog, likes hiking, camping, and canoeing together.

Repairing Damaged Window Netting in your Tent

When it comes to the inside of my LightHeart Gear tent, I believe it to be a "Mosquito Free Zone." Any rip or tear in the netting creates a gap in that surface area. A mosquito buzzing in my ear as I endeavour to sleep at nighttime is the very final affair I desire – much lonely the prospect of waking up covered in itchy bites the adjacent morning. If a rip or hole in the netting occurs in the field, information technology is simple to set up it on a temporary footing by taping information technology back together. Past placing a slice of tape on both sides of the netting that is enclosing the pigsty, the tape volition effectively stay to itself and will non fall out of the pigsty.

How to set your tent netting at home:

To begin, fold the cloth in one-half at the tear in the post-obit manner: (The wispy edges are the tear) Second, using a three-step zigzag stitch on a sewing machine, kickoff about an inch above the tear and sew around the edge of the textile using standard sewing car thread to muffle the rip. The work has been completed!

If in that location is a hole torn in the mesh, information technology will demand to exist patched.

To brainstorm, cut a patch that is slightly bigger than the hole and align it with the grain. First and foremost, sew every bit many pins into the netting equally necessary to keep the patch in place. Afterwards, run up around the patch with the three-step zigzag stitch, equally demonstrated above. NOTE: Try to brand the edges rounded rather than angular when drawing your design. It is now necessary to clip away whatsoever extra fabric in one case the patch has been put in place. Please proceed with caution in order to avert accidentally cutting the window or door!

If the damage is significant plenty that the entire window or door must be replaced, you will exist required to send in a tent and pay for the repair work to exist done.

Repairing the window to its original status is not cost efficient (almost the unabridged tent must be opened up, and it is far less expensive to purchase a new tent than information technology is to pay for this type of repair!).

In this article, yous will larn how to repair any broken netting in your LightHeart Gear Tent.

How to Prepare Mesh Runs (And Foreclose Them)

The knit mesh that we use in several of our tent styles is extremely lightweight and of the highest quality. It is intended to minimize weight while simultaneously increasing airflow, resulting in improved breathability. In comparison to other ordinary no-see-um meshes available on the market place, this particular no-see-um mesh is thirty pct lighter. Because the mesh is knit (as opposed to woven), the knit pattern tin "move" effectually if the fibers are tugged in different directions. This commonly occurs when the Velcro comes into touch with the knit, causing the mesh to bunch up and become distorted.

Providing the knit isn't damaged, whatever little snags and bunches should be easily fixed past rubbing the affected region with your finger.

The mesh should non spread apart significantly enough to allow for the passage of bugs in whatever effect, as long as it is not damaged.

If the mesh does tear, there are a variety of options for you to consider. With the tip of your finger, gently castor the snag to split the strands and straighten them out.

At-home Mesh Repair

Tear-Assistance patches may be a highly successful repair for mesh tears when they are used properly. Calculation 2 patches to each side of the netting and allowing it to cure overnight before packing the tent back into its stuff sack are our recommendations. A Tear-Aid patch may be a permanent fix that will endure for years, assuasive you lot to continue to use your tent without having to worry virtually insects getting within information technology. To reinforce the mesh, flip the mesh over and apply the 2nd patch to the other side of the mesh.

Professional Repair

Is the tear likewise large to exist patched with a Tear-Aid? NEMO provides expert repair services for those who require more all-encompassing repairs. Delight visit there if yous would like to receive a repair price or begin the repair procedure. Our coiffure will be delighted to get your NEMO gear properly repaired so that y'all may continue exploring with your NEMO equipment! Practise you take any more questions? If you have any questions, please contact our Customer Service Teamhere or at 800-997-9301. : GEAR AID Tenacious Tape Mesh Patches for Tent and Issues Screen Repair, 3" Rounds, Black Mesh : Sports & Outdoors

On March 26, 2022, the United States of America reviewed this product. Buy that has been verified I bought this patch to fix a little hole in the trampoline safety internet that nosotros have in our backyard. I've included a photo to demonstrate just how irritating this area is to the optics. Over time, I'thou sure the clear outer ring will plough a night yellow, merely for now, it's more than of a foggy white tint. I'd go elsewhere for a fix if I were yous. a rating of one out of five stars With a white outside ring, this patch is really cruddy.

  1. I bought this patch to fix a little hole in the trampoline safety net that we have in our lawn.
  2. Over time, I'chiliad sure the clear outer ring will turn a night yellow, but for now, it'southward more of a foggy white tint.
  3. The photographs in this review On June 29, 2022, a review will exist conducted in the United States.
  4. I figured that at 3 inches wide, these would be platonic for patching upwards the damage I had caused.
  5. The width of the agglutinative part is included in the full width measurement.
  6. Because it does not include whatsoever mesh and is solely intended to go along the 2 inch patch in place, the adhesion should non be included in the patch's overall measurement.
  7. On my most recent camping trip, I burnt a hole in the screen of my tent.

It is unfortunate that the mesh is just two inches wide, and I am non certain whether or not it will be sufficient.

It is necessary to meliorate the product description to country that they are 2 inch mesh rounds.

The photographs in this review On August 1, 2022, the U.s. reviewed this production.

It was a complete waste of coin.

I would strongly advise against it.

On April 15, 2022, the The states of America reviewed this product.Fashion: ane Pack Purchase that has been verified I just wish that: A) these patches were available in a larger size; and B) these patches were available in a different color.

Everything that every camper and outdoor enthusiast should accept in their tent kit should be included in this category.

For the greatest results, information technology is important to lay the material flat.

By sewing a second patch on the other side of the material, yous may strengthen the patch even more.

On May 21, 2022, a review was published in the The states of America.Style: 1 PackVerified Purchase Did not remain for more than a week at a time.

Don't permit your coin get to waste.

Style: two PackAcquired through a verified purchase This item is in good working society, and the application process was simple.

Consequently, when yous use this patch to your selected spot, the patch will stand out due of the contrasting hue on the periphery.

What I don't empathise is why they couldn't accept only made it translucent or black.

Fashion: 2 PackAcquired through a verified buy This product has washed a wonderful job of filling in some of the gaps left by our overzealous puppy's antics.

However, as some people have pointed out, in order for information technology to remain attached, it has to be doubled over on itself, sandwiching the netting between the two layers.

Top reviews from other countries

5.0 stars out of v for this product Information technology is effective. On December 5, 2022, the United Kingdom will conduct a review. The following is the style: ane Pack Buy that has been verified five.0 stars out of 5 for this product Brill was reviewed in the United Kingdom on November 3, 2022 and comes in a single package. Purchase that has been verified 5.0 stars out of 5 for this product On September 1, 2022, Mesh will be reviewed in the Britain. The following is the style: one Pack Buy that has been verified a rating of one out of five stars Even so, information technology is functional.

  • The following is the style: 1 Pack Buy that has been verified Okay, the package has two parking spaces, which is a bargain at this price.
  • In my example, they were used for mosquitero around the firm, and the truth is that the view is non improved in any way by the parking lot.
  • a rating of two.0 out of 5 stars annoying On June 2, 2022, a review was published in Canada.Manner: one Pack Purchase that has been verified My screen door has a tear in the mesh, and this circle of mesh does non simply patch it.
  • Disappointing.

Tent repairs: how to fix your 'home away from abode' so that you can carry on adventuring

(Paradigm courtesy of Getty) Having the ability to repair your tent volition save you money in the long run besides as conserve the environment, and it volition relieve (some of) the stress of dealing with a snowstorm that appears hell-bent on destroying your cherished shelter. Later reading this straightforward guide, yous'll be well-versed in all kinds of techniques and tactics for transforming your tattered shell into a sheet castle in one case again. Fifty-fifty the greatest tents crave a little tender loving intendance from time to fourth dimension.

By agreement the fundamentals of tent repair, you may avoid having to shell out money for a new shelter and instead learn to capeesh the one you already have.

(Image courtesy of Getty) Take a moment to consider the impact you'll take on the environment once you lot've perfected tent repairs.

Nevertheless, go on in listen that the most ecologically friendly equipment is the equipment that you lot currently have.

Many camping ground manufacturers provide specialized tent repair kits that include useful patches and adhesives for repairing tent materials. When comparing the cost of a small repair kit to the toll of a new tent, what is the difference? Allow'southward have a await at how nosotros may go about repairing tents:

Tent repairs: how to repair a tent pole

A cablevision of elastic is threaded through the tubes of mod tent poles, which are made up of split up, sparse tubes that click together and are continued by a cord of metal. Fiberglass, steel, and aluminum are the most mutual materials used to construct the tubes. Fiberglass is widely used and very valued because to its lightweight and flexible characteristics. In the result of a splinter or a fracture down the length of the pole, you will exist left with a cleaved and ineffective pole. To understand how to fix a broken tent pole, let'southward showtime dispel some jargon.

  1. A metal sleeve (a ferrule) is frequently attached to one or both ends of the cable.
  2. The ferrule is a metallic sleeve that is attached to the end (or both ends) of a pole segment.
  3. Pole diameter is the measurement of the diameter of the fiberglass portion of the pole (importantly, non the bore of the ferrule).
  4. Every bit an alternative to the standard band and pivot, a spiggot is a fitting (typically metallic) on the end pole sections that allows them to adhere to an eyelet.
  5. 1 of your pole parts has broken all the way down its length, and, to brand matters worse, information technology has croaky smack in the midst of the entire pole structure!
  6. No!
  7. If you lot're lucky, your tent will take included extra pole parts for you lot to use.

You may get spare pole portions from outside merchants even if it doesn't work out in your favor.

This may be accomplished by using a measuring record or, even better, a Vernier caliper to decide the diameter of the fiberglass section (not the metal ferrule) of your present poles.

(Epitome courtesy of Getty) Please annotation that if your tent already came with replacement pole pieces that are the same length as the portion that you are replacing, you will not need to worry about the remainder of this section.

This is due to the fact that generic pole parts are ofttimes shipped big so that they may be trimmed to fit a multifariousness of tent sizes.

The kickoff step is to measure the new pole department side by side with one of your old pole sections – with both ferrules at the same end – and use electrical tape to indicate the location where you will make the cutting.

Then, using your hacksaw, cutting a section of the pole halfway through, turn the pole slightly, and cut a department of the pole halfway through over again, and so on until you've cutting all the way through.

Finally, sandpaper should be used to smooth off any rough edges that might potentially harm the shockcord during the installation process.

Start with the cease pole portion that has just 1 ferrule, rather than the one that has two, because this makes the reassembly much easier because it is less complicated.

If your cease parts contain spiggots, they should exist rather simple to unscrew.

Continue to piece of work your fashion downwardly the unabridged pole until yous have removed the damaged piece of the pole.

This guarantees that you lot volition not run out of fuel by the time y'all render to the terminal pole segment of the course.

Release the check knots and clip the pole parts back into place, and you've got yourself a completely functional tent pole.

Tent repairs: how to repair tent mesh

When it comes to making repairs to the various textiles in your tent, the procedure is much the same for each fabric. Many manufacturers provide high-quality tent repair kits that include patches, tape, and sealant for every surface of the tent. Some companies even provide mesh repair products that are specifically designed for mesh repair. To make mesh repairs, you'll need the following supplies: scissors, alcohol wipes, mesh repair kit patches, and a sewing machine. Tent netting is but every bit frail as information technology appears.

  1. Hot lights may even melt a pigsty in tent netting, which is something to be enlightened of if you're in close proximity for an extended menstruation of time.
  2. The netting of an inner tent is delicate and volition require intendance and attention from time to time during the tent'due south lifetime (Image credit: Getty) Remove whatsoever stray, jagged edges from around the hole past cutting around it with pair of scissors first.
  3. This is washed in order to ensure that the mesh is as clean equally possible and so that the repair kit has the highest take chances of adhering to the mesh.
  4. Remove the adhesive side of the patch and center information technology over the hole, pressing the edges down to secure information technology.
  5. Apply another patch on the opposite side of the hole to ensure that at that place is no sticky area remaining where the pigsty was previously located.

Tent repairs: how to repair a flysheet

You will require the post-obit items: scissors, alcohol wipes, repair tape / patches. It is non Wolverine who has ripped your flysheet; rather, it is your buddy who has been devil-may-care with their crampons and has been also frightened to tell you about information technology. Fortunately, when it comes to tent repairs, mending a flysheet is a piece of cake. In truth, it's quite like to applying a plaster, except that y'all're using repair tape instead of plaster. Repair tape is now bachelor from a variety of manufacturers, and you tin can easily get some at outdoor stores and on the internet.

When mending mesh, information technology'southward of import to make sure your fabric is on a level surface and that information technology'south been thoroughly cleaned earlier you begin.

Make sure the fabric is stretched taut, and smooth the tape as you go to ensure that at that place are no lumps or bumps in the material.

Using loftier-quality repair tape, yous can keep your flysheet's waterproofing properties intact even after it has been torn. (Prototype courtesy of Getty)

Tent repairs: how to repair a groundsheet

You will crave the post-obit items: pair of scissors, booze wipes, repair record / patches. Fixing a rip in a groundsheet is substantially identical to repairing a tear in a flysheet, and may be accomplished with either repair tape or a repair patch. For the second time, information technology is advised that you clean in and around the rip or hole in club to ensure that the glue has the best chance of adhering successfully. Information technology is worthwhile to apply the tape or patch on both sides of the groundsheet in order to provide the greatest amount of protection.

Tent repairs: how to repair tent seams

Y'all will need the following supplies: seam grip, paint brush (or similar) While taped seams serve to keep your tent completely watertight, they can become nicked with time and require a little TLC to restore their original appearance. Seam grip comes very in in this situation. It's a transparent gel that dries like rubber, sealing any tears and ensuring that your tent'south waterproofing properties are not compromised. Simply apply the seam grip to the tear with a little paintbrush, softly covering the entire area with the product.

  1. Tent repairs have been completed.
  2. He lives in the mountains of Colorado.
  3. Alex hopes that his hiking, mountaineering, climbing, and trail running activities will encourage people to get outside and savour the great outdoors.
  4. He likewise hopes to summit additional Alpine 4000ers if and when the opportunity arises, which he hopes volition be soon.

Tent Hole Repairs

When you lot have a hole in your tent, information technology may completely spoil your holiday by allowing undesired water and mosquitoes to enter. Nobody enjoys getting soaked and beingness plagued by mosquitoes. A hole in your tent may be repaired in a variety of means.

Employ Seam Grip WP for permanent tent hole repair

Seam Grip WP is a tent repair production that permanently patches typical pinholes and rips. Just enough Seam Grip WP to comprehend the hole and spread i/4″ (five mm) beyond the pigsty is sufficient. Allow to dry on a flat surface for at to the lowest degree 24 hours.

Use record backing to repair larger holes and tears

It is necessary to employ a patch equally a backing (Tenacious Tape works well), and so apply Seam Grip WP to the bigger holes in the seam.

Fix a Tear with Tenacious Tape

It is sufficient to cut the record so that information technology overlaps the rip past a quarter inch.

Make care to round the corners of the patch and place it over the height of the repair to prevent it from fraying. Smooth the edges with your hands to make them more than even.

Utilize a Tenacious Tape to Repair Musquito Netting

Make a 1/iv inch overlap betwixt the record and the rip and trim the tape to fit. Brand certain to round the corners of the patch and lay it over the superlative of the repair to ensure a professional person appearance. Utilise pressure to the edges using your easily.

Aid How to repair mesh on a tent?

Anyone have whatsoever suggestions for effective ways to patch a large break in the netting of a hiking tent? I've discovered kits for fixing small holes, but nada for patching a large gaping hole. At this point, I'm because using duct record, but it would exist great if in that location was a better technique to accomplish this. The tear occurred final weekend when ane of my dogs decided she really wanted to lay down on my thermarest and sleeping purse, which I allowed her to do. Guiltbyibenick has a Flickr account.

on July 11, 2022 ADSCircuit promotion is a type of advertisement.

on July xi, 2022 2Outdoor Adept Make your mode into Kirkhams.

Tacoma Said – If Scott invites yous to back-trail him for a trek, be cautious and ask questions such as "Will we be hiking on a trail?" "How likely is it that information technology will kill me?" and so on.

12:05 p.g.

Obtain some mesh netting that is of a similar weight and hand weave it together.

In addition, I believe there is viscous mesh available, but I am not of where to obtain information technology.

You might get in impact with the manufacturer to find out how much a repair will cost.

07/xi/2011 01:08:08 P.G.

What are your intentions?

on July eleven, 2022 5Mountain Homo is a fictional character created by the author of the novel The Mountain Man.

Dooog is a bad dooog.

Kirkhams, I believe, has the capability of replacing the screen.

01:56 p.m.

This is a bad dog.

So you lot're on the lookout for a new puppy, as well?

Because my doberman had to have surgery the day earlier our vacation, I decided to travel with Patina instead.

Clearly, this trip was no exception, as seen by the photos.

Saturday, July 11th, 2022 at 02:09 PM 7Hambone 08:29 p.chiliad.

I emailed the photo to Kirkhams and inquired every bit to its value.

Non having to deal with this type of nonsense is really important to me.

on July 12, 2022 9Outdoorsman The original post was made byibenick.

I emailed the photo to Kirkhams and inquired every bit to its value.

Not having to deal with this type of nonsense is really important to me.

I'm relieved to learn that information technology won't exist prohibitively expensive.

on July 13, 2022 10New Member has joined our squad.

04:46 p.thousand.

I returned 2 tents, one of which was repaired for gratuitous (N Confront) and the other at a nominal expense (Garuda) (Dana Design).

08:fifty p.m.

I emailed the photograph to Kirkhams and inquired as to its value.

Not having to bargain with this blazon of nonsense is actually important to me.

Why bother messing with it if you don't have to?

when Kirkhams is done, it will appear similar it was built from scratch, non like a shoddy patch task.

on July 26th, 2022 13 functionally barred from participating So the tent has been repaired.

In summary, Kirkhams was, as has get customary, a royal hurting in the rear to deal with.

Upon dropping information technology off, the admirer staffing the service counter would non provide me with any other quote than $45 per hr, with no indication of how long information technology may accept.

The $30 estimate I received through email was a bit of a mystery to me.

Four days later, I received a telephone call with two estimates: $25 to repair the mesh with two patches and $20 to supercede the zipper pulls that I had requested be replaced (unrelated to the dog incident).

After another usual Kirkhams experience () picking it upwardly, I'chiliad extremely pleased with how well the repair turned out in the end.

I didn't get a good shot of their handy work on my last excursion, only this one does a good task at capturing it anyway.

However, considering I'm a softie, he ends up going.

You may also utilize mesh removal kits to get rid of the problem.

on December 7, 2022 16 "Outdoor Guru" is a euphemism for "Outdoor Skillful." Get some no-see-um mesh that is about 1/2 inch larger in diameter than the hole.

Place the new component on top of the old one.

In between the widths of the new and old material, place a 1/8″ bead dead middle between them, assuasive for room to spread but only approximately 10″ long at a time.

Re-do the baby pwdr and go on till the job is completed.

Upon cooling, you should have effectually 1/eight″ of material left, which will require trimming on both sides to provide a smooth end.

Life is dainty, and life is not so good.

A number of my Lookout Troop tents have had to exist taken in for screen repairs, zipper repairs, sail patches, and other such repairs.

12:00:03 thousand.

Do you have the kids up to the mountains with bound bars in their backpacks?

Alternatively, does the church foot the money for the repairs?


Life is nice, and life is not so good.

on December ten, 2022 19 Mount Man is a euphemism for "mountainous homo." In addition to the huge Vagabond 7 Springbars, our Troop too has a smaller four person Springbar on mitt.

We're not hiking, and our tents weigh more than 60 pounds, and so we'll be vehicle camping ground instead. Yes, the repairs were paid for by our church building's equipment budget.